CLAIM: Billy Meier Published Photographs Of Who He Claimed Was His Extraterrestrial Contact
FINDINGS: Photographs Are Actually Of A Singer From 1969-1973 Era Of The Dean Martin Variety Show
In the 1983 book, UFO…Contact From The Pleiades Volume II, this photo is presented:

The caption for this photo reads, “This photograph has erroneously been reported by others as a picture of Semjase. This confusion began in 1975 when the first articles on the case were written by lesser informed individuals and has continued to this day. There are in fact no photographs of the Pleiadian cosmonaut Semjase. This is a photograph of Asket, a cosmonaut from the Dal Universe who first had contact with Meier in India in 1964 and helped him prepare for the Pleiadian contacts that would occur eleven years later.”
In the 1991 book, …und sie fliegen doch! (…and yet they fly! – German publication), this photo is reprinted (in better quality) with the caption, “DAL – Universum im Strahlschiff von Asket (DAL – Universe in the beamship of Asket)”:

Along with the reprinted picture of Asket there is this other picture that is identified as being of Asket and Nera:

Here is the truth about these photos. The person identified on the left as Asket is actually the singer and dancer Michelle DellaFave. Michelle was a longtime member of the “Golddiggers” and the “Dingaling Sisters” who appeared on the Dean Martin Variety Show from 1969-1973. To learn more about Michelle DellaFave and the other Golddiggers go to The Golddiggers Super Site

Michelle still performs to this day. Here she is on the right and former Golddigger, Lindsay Bloom, is on the left. Michelle first became aware that Billy Meier had published photographs of her as being his extra-terrestrial contact “Asket” in early 2007. Michelle wrote to me and said that “Nera” was actually Susan Lund. Susan appeared on the Dean Martin Variety Show from 1968-1973. This is what Michelle has to say on the situation:
“I know that the picture of myself and Susie is from the Dean Martin show when the Golddiggers were guests on the show. I think it is about 1971 and I did wear my hair with little curls at the side of my face. It amazes me that he chose that picture. I guess it was when they did the reruns in Europe. I do not want anyone thinking I am causing any problems. I am simply stating the truth involved with these pictures. I just know a picture of myself when I see one, as anyone else would. I know it is from a segment when The Golddiggers would sit around Dean Martin and sing beautiful ballads called ‘Welcome To My World.’”
Michelle also sent the following image that appears to be from the same episode:

You will notice that Michelle and Susan are wearing the same outfits as shown in the Meier photograph of “Asket” and “Nera.”
Starting in 2001 with the English publication of And yet… they fly! these same photos had new explanations for them.

Billy Meier writes, “Unfortunately, during my conversation with Ptaah he revealed that the two women depicted on the photos are not Asket and Nera from the DAL Universe, but two American look-alikes. These photos are malicious hoaxes and were switched upon the order of and in collaboration with the ‘Men in Black.’” Now, why the change of explanation in 2001? It seems to be rather simple. In the 1990s videotapes of “The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show” started to be released by Guthy-Renker Productions

I asked one of the original investigators, Lee Elders, about the publication of UFO…Contact From The Pleiades Volume II. Here is what he had to say:
“[Billy] supplied the material that was analyzed. I have letters from him stating that he was thrilled with the presentation. We gave him a couple hundred books at his request. I still have the letters saying he and the Pleiadians were happy the book had been done. In fact, the publication was mentioned in the original contact notes.”
So, for at least 18 years, from 1983 to 2001, these photographs of “Asket” and “Nera” were promoted and published, multiple times, as being his Plejaran extra-terrestrial contacts, but then in 2001 these same photos were now being described as “malicious hoaxes” and the only thing that changed was that the apparently original source material, The Dean Martin Variety Show, started to be released on home video.