CLAIM: Billy Meier Predicted That A Specific Nuclear Power Station Was To Be Shut Down Due To A Nuclear Accident
FINDINGS: There Was No Nuclear Accident At The Power Station
In the Billy Meier Contact Notes called “Contact 251, Part 2” the following is written:
The danger of accidents in nuclear reactors will increase throughout the world. Regarding this subject, France in particular must be extraordinarily careful in every way, for one prophecy warns of a strong probability for an accident near Lyon, which can be prevented as long as the responsible individuals undertake the right steps --- a prophecy can be changed.
First of all, France has the most nuclear power generating plants, 59 in all, of all developed countries. If you were a betting man, you would not need psychic or extra-terrestrial powers to guess that France might be the country to be most likely to have a nuclear accident. This is like saying that China will have the most coal mine deaths, and it has a yearly average of 3,000 deaths already.
In August of 2003 the Bugey nuclear power station, which is located near Lyon, France on the Rhone River, was mentioned in articles pertaining to a national emergency in France. Meier and his followers took this information as evidence that this prophecy had come true. Here is an excerpt from an article published in 2005 by Michael Horn:
Meier specifically warned of the possibility of an accident, one that he said could be avoided, however, at the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France. The emergency scenario, and the timely shut down of that exact plant, occurred on August 12, 2003.
There is just a small problem with their description of the situation. There was no accident involving the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France and the plant was never shut down.
In August of 2003 Europe suffered from the worst heat wave in recorded history. At least 35,000 people, possibly up to 50,000, died due to heat exposure throughout Europe. Nearly 15,000 people died in France alone.

France was especially hard hit because of the French tradition of going on vacation during the month of August, so many public servants, including power plant personnel, were away from their places of work. Also, France does not commonly have very hot summers and as a result many people did not know how to react to the very high temperatures. 75% of France’s electrical power comes from nuclear power plants, such as the Bugey Power Station located on the Rhone River near Lyon.

Most of these plants are located along rivers. Cool water from the river comes into the power plant for cooling purposes, the water is then superheated and then moved out of the power plant to a holding tank to cool down and then the cooled water is released back into the river. Please keep in mind that this water is in no way radioactive. This coolant water never comes into contact with any radioactive material.
French environmental regulations state that maximum temperature that the water released back into the river can be is 24℃. The reason being that if warmer water were to be released back into the river it could damage the plant and animal life in the river.

In August of 2003 the demand for electricity was so high that the power plants had difficulty generating enough electricity fast enough. However, the plants could generate more electricity if they could be allowed to release water that was warmer than normal into the rivers. On August 12, 2003 the French Government allowed six of the power plants to discharge their cooling water one degree centigrade warmer than normal. The Bugey nuclear power station was mentioned in several articles that day because it had already requested a special exemption to pour hotter water back into the Rhone River.

There is no way to accurately describe the situation as a nuclear power plant accident and the plant near Lyon, France was never shut down, nor was there ever any discussion of shutting it down. All of the discussions were on how to keep the plant open and generating as much electricity as possible in order to prevent even more deaths due to heat exposure. If the plant had been shut down as Meier and his followers claim it was then hundreds, if not thousands, more people would have died from heat exposure. It is truly amazing that Meier and his supporters could be so completely wrong about this prediction and then claim to be right.
In 2008, after it was conclusively shown that there was no accident at the nuclear power station near Lyon in 2003, Michael Horn then switched his claim and said that it was not the 2003 incident that was the subject of the prophecy, but it was actually a 2001 event at the Bugey power station that was the subject of the prophecy. Claiming that two separate events are the result of the same prophecy is nonsense. It cannot be a legitimate prophecy if multiple events can be claimed to be the event described in the prophecy. But, to make it even more ridiculous, the 2001 event cannot be described as an accident either.
There are five reactors at the Bugey nuclear power station. There was a decree on August 30, 1996 to decommission the Bugey 1 reactor. In 2001 the scheduled shutdown and dismantling of the reactor began. That’s it. There was no accident in 2001 at the Bugey nuclear power station. It was just the scheduled shutdown of the reactor. And the shutdown was publicly announced in 1996. So, both events provided by Billy Meier, and Michael Horn, as being the singular event described in the prophecy are incorrect.