Wedding Cake UFO Deconstruction
CLAIM: One Of Billy Meier’s Photographed Space Ships Is Supposed To Be A Large Scale Interstellar Traveling Craft
FINDINGS: The “Space Ship” Is Probably A Small Scale Model Made Out Of Found Objects
NOTE: Several passages concerning the construction of the Wedding Cake UFO are now out of date. Please go HERE for the latest information.
Billy Meier has photographed several different varieties of alleged space ships. One of these is called the “Wedding Cake UFO”. Here are some photographs of the Wedding Cake UFO:
Billy Meier and his supporters claim that this is a craft that must be a minimum of 11 feet in diameter. However, research conducted by myself and other individuals located online have been able to identify several of the components used in the creation of this “UFO” which indicate that this is not a large scale craft, but is actually a small scale model.

The base of the Wedding Cake UFO is very distinctive. It is composed of four circular bands with three well-defined ridges in between each band. In the second band from the top of the base there is a small, flat extension resembling a small wing or handle.
There is something else that was available in 1975 that shares these same characteristics and that is the lid to a storage container manufactured by Harcostar Drums Limited.

Here is a close up of the lid:

As you can see, the Harcostar Universal Container Lid has the same four circular bands with three well-defined ridges in between each band. Also, in the second band from the top of the lid there are the handles for lid.The silver locking ring around the bottom of the lid is removable as shown in this photograph:

The Harcostar Universal Container Lid seems to be an exact match for the base of the Wedding Cake UFO. However, what evidence is there that Billy Meier had access to this type of container? Well, this picture is from Billy Meier’s organization, known as FIGU, and it clearly shows several of the Harcostar Universal Containers in a storage room. The person holding the lid of the container has been identified as Phil McCainey.

The Harcostar Universal Container Lid comes in four different diameter sizes: 250mm (9.84”), 325mm (12.80”), 394mm (15.51”), and 471mm (18.54”). Based on the above image it would appear that Meier used either the 394mm or the 471mm sized container lid.
In the mid-1990s Billy Meier was apparently confronted with this information about Harcostar Drums Limited and this is the explanation he provided for the identical nature of the base of the Wedding Cake UFO:
Excerpt of the 254th Contact Report from Tuesday, November 28, 1995:
Ptaah: "As far back as the 1920s we worked with flying devices you have named the 'Wedding Cake Ship,' but they were only available for operations on Earth toward the end of the 1970s. This particular type of flying device was designed specifically for the Earth, and for this reason we endeavored to transmit all of the necessary data regarding the vehicles' shape to terrestrial scientists, in the form of telepathic impulses, to assist them in developing flying disks on Earth.
The telepathic impulses were primarily directed to space travel technologists, as I shall call these individuals. This scientific group consisted mainly of German engineers, to whom we transmitted precise plans for the shape of the hull, along with some technical details we considered justifiable. These German scientists actually built experimental units using the plans that eventually led to the construction of somewhat workable flying disks. In accordance with our motives at that time, these disks were to be used to establish an air force that would be instrumental in achieving an early and worldwide peace. Political machinations, however, changed all of this very quickly into a war effort, which prompted us to discontinue the transmission of any further telepathic impulses to the German scientists. Moreover, these developments forced us to drop the project completely shortly after we intentionally transmitted some misinformation, which would render these flying disks ineffectual for war purposes.
Some copies of the blueprints somehow survived since we were unable to retrieve every one of them. This presented no problem, however, since the remaining blueprints were extremely incomplete when they vanished. This last remnant consisted essentially only of drawings which merely depicted the outer rim and undercarriage of the flying object. Details of the lower half and the upper structure were no longer included. And it is precisely this outer rim with its undercarriage that survived on drawings over the past several decades—only to reappear around 1965. This reappearance occurred without our knowledge, for we had long lost interest in what had become useless drawings as far as we were concerned. Until now that is. You informed Florena that some of you realized this shape of large container lids exist, which indeed look exactly like the lower rim and underside of our flying objects and had a more than fleeting resemblance to the same structural features. And since you yourself provided one of these covers to clarify the fact, it was very simple for us to compare the receptacle cover with construction details of the flying device. We, too, noticed the stunning similarity and began focusing our attention on this matter. We thoroughly investigated the entire situation and discovered that the old, newly re-emerged drawings were used for the design and production of these receptacle covers. The covers were completely different from anything the designers had previously produced. Normally they designed lids with simple lines and never with shapes that could be called futuristic and complicated. This, then, is how the shape of the container covers came about, which, as I mentioned earlier, strikingly resemble the lower rim section and undercarriage on our flying devices.
Meier seems to be saying that the reason for the identical nature of the Harcostar Universal Container Lid and the base of the Wedding Cake UFO is that the engineers at Harcostar found old blueprints for UFOs provided by the Plejarans telepathically to pre-WWII German engineers. That certainly seems to stretch credulity when it is much more likely that Meier simply used a Harcostar Universal Container Lid for the base of his Wedding Cake UFO model.

There was a wonderful Turkish website (now defunct) that was able to identify two of the items used in the top of the Wedding Cake UFO.

Some people have previously suggested that the top section of the Wedding Cake UFO was a bracelet, but the Turkish website was able to discover that it is some form of container or pedestal stand. Also, the brass points that appear underneath the container have been described in the past as being carpet tacks, but the Turkish website was able to determine that they appeared to be the pins used in bookcases to position adjustable bookcase shelves. Unfortunately, the Turkish website was taken offline before I was able to archive and translate the text of the website. I am thankful to Jeff Ritzmann for downloading the above image before the website was taken offline.
Here is another picture that lends to the theory that adjustable bookshelf pins were used in the creation of the Wedding Cake UFO model:

You can see that one of the pins has apparently fallen on top of the middle section of the “UFO”. Here is a close up:

Before the potential size of the Wedding Cake UFO was determined it was difficult to determine what the size of the spheres were which made it difficult to determine what they actually were. Now, by using this image we can determine the approximate size of the spheres.

The base of the “UFO” is a little over 17 squares wide and the spheres are a little less than 1.5 squares wide. If Meier used the 15.51” lid then the spheres would be approximately 1.25” in diameter and if Meier used the 18.54” lid then the spheres would be approximately 1.5” in diameter. There are common silver metallic spheres that come in 1.25” and 1.5” diameter sizes: Christmas ornaments.

Here is one of the ornaments with the hanging cap on:

Here is one of the ornaments with the hanging cap removed:

As you can see, the silver Christmas ornament with the hanging cap removed seems to match the silver spheres of the Wedding Cake UFO.

The last part of the Wedding Cake UFO that we have been able to identify is the bottom.

It is the two holes on the bottom of the “UFO” that reveal its identity. It is the lid to a pressure cooker.

It is unknown what specific make and model of pressure cooker lid that Meier used, but pressure cooker lids are generally designed the same way.

One of the holes in the bottom of the Wedding Cake UFO would be from the Automatic Air Vent and the other hole would be from the screw hole used to mount the handle to the lid.
Aside from the obvious visual similarities to common household objects that were used to create the Wedding Cake UFO there is also a report that Billy Meier’s ex-wife, Kalliope, said that Billy made the Wedding Cake UFO using a garbage can lid and kitchen utensils. It should be noted that if you go to and search for pressure cooker you will find several pressure cooker lids that are 15.5" in diameter and a couple that are even larger.
When searching various Billy Meier affiliated websites for images of the Wedding Cake UFO to analyze I came across the following two photographs.
If you look closely at the bottom of the photographs you will see that the “UFO” appears to be sitting on top of a table or platform. In the following images we have adjusted the brightness and the contrast in order to make the platform easier to see.
Additionally, knowing the width of the Wedding Cake UFO answers a question about this photograph.

By analyzing the width of the “UFO” we will be able to determine the height of the tree next to the “UFO”.

The base of the “UFO” is approximately 5.75 squares wide and the tree is approximately 9 squares tall. If Meier used the 15.51” lid then the tree would be approximately 24.25” tall and if Meier used the 18.54” lid then the tree would be approximately 29” tall. Knowing the height of this tree will be very useful when analyzing other photographs taken by Billy Meier.
Finally, we would like to present this altered version of the FIGU storage room photograph for your amusement.

I am not sure which member of created this image, but it does provide an easily understood visual as to how large, or how small as the case may be, the Wedding Cake UFO may actually be, in relation to a person. This shows how easily the model could be moved around and manipulated, even if you happen to have only one hand and one partial arm.
One of the explanations for the "wedding cake" pictures is that it is a craft from another world, time, or dimension. However, one of the views of science is to eliminate all of the likely explanations, before leaping to less likely explanations. Sometimes called Occam's Razor, it states that the explanation with the least assumptions is more likely to be true. What is easier to accept, that an extraterrestrial craft came here from another world one day, and was only seen (and photographed) by one Swiss individual, or that one Swiss individual created a model from spare parts laying around his garage and kitchen? Until more evidence comes in, I will stick to the latter.